Adel Ibrahim – Ah Ya London Arabic Lyrics English Translations

ما وحشته ما طرا اسمي ف باله
– What a monster my name is in his mind
ولا بالغربه بعيد صار عني
– Not far away from me
اه لندن علامه وكيف حاله
– The London sign and how it’s going
منهو غيره في البشر صوته وحشني
– Who is He other than in humans, his voice is monstrous
يما باب اللي حجب عني خياله
– The door that blocked my imagination
يشبه بلاداً سكنها وما ذكرني
– It’s like a country where he lived and what reminded me
استحاله نفترق والله استحاله
– It is impossible to separate, and God is impossible
ادري بقلبه وهذا رغم يحبني
– I know in his heart, and this is despite the fact that he loves me
من عيونه ارتجي واطلب عداله
– From his eyes, shake and ask for justice
كيف وعيونه في الماضي ذبحتني
– How his eyes in the past slaughtered me
في بحرها ارتوت منه وصاله
– In her sea she saw him and a lounge
يتعب احساسي لانه ما وصلني
– My senses get tired because it never reached me
ادري ان الغايب صعب مناله
– I know the absentee is hard to get
يوم فقدته كيف قلبه ما فقدني
– The day I lost him how his heart never lost me
اعشق واهواه واتخيل جماله
– I adore and fancy and imagine its beauty
الحبيب اللي عن الدنيا ملكني
– The beloved of the world belongs to me
ما وحشته ما طرا اسمي ف باله
– What a monster my name is in his mind
ولا بالغربه بعيد صار عني
– Not far away from me
اه لندن علامه وكيف حاله
– The London sign and how it’s going
نادر الاوصاف من حسنه ودلاله
– Rare descriptions of good and significant
اشتياقي له على غفلة فضحني
– My longing for him inadvertently exposed me
اصبحت لندن عناوين الرساله
– London became the address of the letter
عذرها دمعي وهي عاد التمني
– Her tearful excuse and she’s back wishing
اه لندن علامه وكيف حاله
– The London sign and how it’s going
نادر الاوصاف من حسنه ودلاله
– Rare descriptions of good and significant
اشتياقي له على غفلة فضحني
– My longing for him inadvertently exposed me
اصبحت لندن عناوين الرساله
– London became the address of the letter
عذرها دمعي وهي عاد التمني
– Her tearful excuse and she returned the wish
ما وحشته ما طرا اسمي في باله
– What a monster he had my name in mind
الا بالغربه بعيد صار عني
– Unless the West is far away from me
اه لندن علامه وكيف حاله
– The London sign and how it’s going
منهو غيره في البشر صوته وحشني
– Who is He other than in humans, his voice is monstrous






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