BTS – Born Singer Korean Lyrics English Translations

I’m a born singer, 좀 늦어버린 고백, I swear
– I’m a born singer, a little late confession, I swear
언제나 멀기만 했었던 신기루가 눈 앞에 있어 (여기 있어)
– The mirage that was always far away is in front of your eyes (here it is).
I’m a born singer, 어쩌면 이른 고백 (이른 고백)
– I’m a born singer, maybe early confession(early confession)
그래도 너무 행복해, I’m good, whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah (SUGA)
– But I’m so happy, I’m good, whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah (SUGA)

난생 처음 방탄이란 이름으로 선 무대
– For the first time in my life, the stage under the name bulletproof
삼년 전 첫 무대의 마음을 다시 검문해
– Check the mind of the first stage three years ago again.
여전히 대구 촌놈 랩퍼와 다를게 없었지
– It was still no different from the Daegu hillbilly rapper.
But 아마추어란 단어 위에 프로란 단어를 덧 썼지
– But I used the word professional over the word amateur.
그토록 원하던 무대 랩을 하며 춤 출때
– When I dance with the stage rap that I wanted so much
아직 살아 있음을 느껴 피곤하고 고된 출퇴근
– I feel still alive, tired and hard commute
따위는 견딜만해, 내 사람들이 지켜보니까
– It’s worth it, because my people are watching.
몸이 아파도 버틸만해, 함성들이 밀려 오니까
– Even if you’re sick, it’s worth holding on, because the shouts are coming.

데뷔 전후의 차의점 아이돌과 랩퍼 사이 경계에
– On the border between idol and rapper in the tea shop before and after his debut
살아도 여전히 내 공책엔 라임이 차 있어
– Even if I live, I still have lime in my notebook.
대기실과 무대 사이에선 펜을 들고 가사를 써
– Between the waiting room and the stage, take a pen and write the lyrics.
이런 내가 니들 눈에는 뭐가 달라졌어?
– Oh, my god, what’s different in your eyes?
Damn, shit, 난 여전해
– Damn, shit, I’m still here.
내가 변했다고? (What?) 가서 전해
– I changed? (What?) Go tell me.
변함없이 본질을 지켜, I’m still rapper, man
– I’m still rapper, man
삼년 전과 다름없이 랩하고 노래해, I’m out
– Rap and sing like three years ago, I’m out

I’m a born singer, 좀 늦어버린 고백, I swear
– I’m a born singer, a little late confession, I swear
언제나 멀기만 했었던 신기루가 눈 앞에 있어 (여기 있어)
– The mirage that was always far away is in front of your eyes (here it is).
I’m a born singer, 어쩌면 이른 고백 (이른 고백)
– I’m a born singer, maybe early confession(early confession)
그래도 너무 행복해, I’m good, whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah
– I’m good, whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

솔직해 두려웠었어 큰 소린 쳐놨는데 날 증명한다는 게
– I was afraid to be honest. I made a loud noise, and it proved me.
펜과 책만 알던 애가 이제 세상을 놀래킨다는게
– A kid who only knew a pen and a book is now surprising the world.
I don’t know, 세상의 기대치와 너무 비대칭 할까봐 두려웠어
– I don’t know, I was afraid it would be too asymmetrical with the expectations of the world.
나를 믿어줬던 모든 사람들을 배신하게 될까 봐
– I think I’ll betray everyone who trusted me.
무건운 어께를 펴고 첫 무대에 올라 (올라)
– Get on the first stage (up)
차나의 짧은 정적 숨을 골라
– Pick out Chana’s short static breath
내가 지켜봤던 사람들이 이젠 날 지켜보고 있네
– The people I’ve watched are watching me now.
항상 올려봤던 TV속 그들이 지금은 내 밑에
– They’re under me now, on the TV they’ve always put up.

Uh, 주마등처럼 스칠 틈도 없이 한 번뿐인 연극은 시작 돼버렸지
– Uh, a one-time play started without a break like Zuma, etc.
삼번 만에 증발한, 내 삼년의 피땀, 피 터지는 마이크와의 기 싸움
– Evaporated in three times, my three years of blood sweat, blood popping Mike and Ki fight
몇십초일 뿐이었지만 똑똑히 쏟아내, I’m f-king real
– It was only a few dozen seconds, but pour it out carefully, I’m f-king real
야, 인마, 니 꿈은 뭐야? 나는 랩스타가 되는 거야, can’t you feel?
– Hey, man, what’s your dream? Can’t you feel?
그리고 내려온 순간, 그 함성, yeah, I could read your mind (uh, yeah)
– And as soon as it came down, that shout, yeah, I could read your mind (uh, yeah)
I could read your mind, 물음표 내신 미소만 (uh, yeah)
– I could read your mind, only a smile with a question mark (uh, yeah)
말없이 멤버들은 그저 내 어깨를 두드렸줬어
– Without speaking, the members just patted my shoulder.
꼭 엊그제 같은데, 스무 밤이 흘러가 버렸어
– It’s like, twenty nights have passed.
And let the haters hate on me, 걔네가 늘상 해온 일
– And let the haters hate on me, what they’ve always done
니네가 키보드 놀릴 동안 난 내 꿈들을 채웠지
– While you teased the keyboard, I filled my dreams.
썬글라스, hairstyle, 뭘 욕하는지 알아
– sunglasses, hairstyle, I know what you’re swearing at.
어쨌든 스무 살에 너보다 잘나가는 나야, 하하
– Anyway, I’m better than you at twenty, haha.

I’m a born singer, 좀 늦어버린 고백, I swear
– I’m a born singer, a little late confession, I swear
언제나 멀기만 했었던 신기루가 눈 앞에 있어 (여기 있어)
– The mirage that was always far away is in front of your eyes (here it is).
I’m a born singer, 어쩌면 이른 고백 (이른 고백)
– I’m a born singer, maybe early confession(early confession)
그래도 너무 행복해, I’m good, whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah
– I’m good, whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

우리가 뛰었던 날, 우리 같이 겪었던 날
– The day we played, the day we went through together
삼년 이란 시간 모두 하나가 됐던 마음
– Three years of Iranian time, all in one mind
그렇게 흘린 피땀이 날 적시네
– The blood sweat that you shed soaks me.
무대가 끝난 뒤 눈물이 번지네
– Tears are smouldering after the stage is over.
매순간 마다 자신에게 다짐해 초심을 잃지 않게
– Try to do it to yourself every moment, so as not to lose your pretence.
한상 나답게 처음의 나에게 부끄럽지 않게
– I’m not ashamed of myself for the first time.
So we go, we go, we go
– So we go, we go, we go
더 위로, 위로, 위로
– More up, up, up

I’m a born singer, 좀 늦어버린 고백, I swear
– I’m a born singer, a little late confession, I swear
언제나 멀기만 했었던 신기루가 눈 앞에 있어 (여기 있어)
– The mirage that was always far away is in front of your eyes (here it is).
I’m a born singer, 어쩌면 이른 고백 (이른 고백)
– I’m a born singer, maybe early confession(early confession)
그래도 너무 행복해, I’m good, whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah
– I’m good, whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah






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