DJ Fle – Ella Ya Me Olvidó Spanish Lyrics English Translations

Ella, ella ya me olvidó
– She, she already forgot me
Yo, yo la recuerdo ahora
– I, I remember her now
Era como la primavera, su anochecido pelo
– It was like spring, her dark hair
Su voz dormida, el beso
– His sleeping voice, the kiss
Y junto al mar la nieve que se metió a su entraña
– And by the sea the snow that got into his belly
Y soñamos con hijos, que nos robó la playa
– And we dream of children, who stole the beach from us
Ella, ella ya me olvidó, yo se
– She, she already forgot me, I know
Yo, yo no puedo olvidarla
– I, I can’t forget her

Ella, ella ya me olvidó
– She, she already forgot me
Yo, yo la recuerdo ahora
– I, I remember her now

Era como la primavera, su anochecido pelo
– It was like spring, her dark hair
Su voz dormida, el beso
– His sleeping voice, the kiss
Y junto al mar la nieve que se metió a su entraña
– And by the sea the snow that got into his belly
Y soñamos con hijos, que nos robó la playa
– And we dream of children, who stole the beach from us

Ella, ella ya me olvidó, yo se
– She, she already forgot me, I know
Yo, yo no puedo olvidarla
– I, I can’t forget her






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