Fairouz – Kenna Netla AA Arabic Lyrics English Translations

كنا نتلاقى من عشيه
– We’ve been meeting since
ونقعد على الجسر العتيق
– And we sit on the Old Bridge
وتنزل على السهل الضبابة
– And descend on the misty plain
تمحي المدى و تمحي الطريق
– Erase the range and erase the road

ما حدا يعرف بمطرحنا
– What is known as our rain
غير السما و ورق تشرين
– Non-toxic and paperless
و يقل لي بحبك أنا بحبك
– And he says to me, ‘ I love you, I love you.’
و يهرب فينا الغيم الحزين
– And the sad cloud escapes in US

يا سنين اللي رحتي ارجعي لي
– Oh, the years that have passed, come back to me
ارجعي لي شي مره ارجعي لي
– Give me something back, give me back
و انسيني ع باب الطفولة
– And forget about childhood
تا أركض بشمس الطرقات
– Ta run in the Sunshine of the roads

يا سنين اللي رحتي ارجعي لي
– Oh, the years that have passed, come back to me
ارجعي لي شي مره ارجعي لي
– Give me something back, give me back
و رديلي ضحكات اللي راحوا
– And return the laughter of those who rest
اللي بعدها بزوايا الساحات
– The following are the corners of the squares

بتذكر شو حكيوا عليي
– Remembering Shu hakiwa Ali
لما نطرت و إنت نسيت
– Why did you fly and forget
و صار الشتي ينزل عليي
– And the shit came down on me
و إجا الصيف و إنت ما جيت
– And the summer is coming and you’re not getting

يا سنين اللي رحتي ارجعي لي
– Oh, the years that have passed, come back to me
ارجعي لي شي مره ارجعي لي
– Give me something back, give me back
و انسيني ع باب الطفولة
– And forget about childhood
تا أركض بشمس الطرقات
– Ta run in the Sunshine of the roads

يا سنين اللي رحتي ارجعي لي
– Oh, the years that have passed, come back to me
ارجعي لي شي مره ارجعي لي
– Give me something back, give me back
و رديلي ضحكات اللي راحوا
– And return the laughter of those who rest
اللي بعدها بزوايا الساحات
– The following are the corners of the squares






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