Guayacan Orquesta – Oiga, Mire, Vea Spanish Lyrics English Translations

Si huele a caña
– If it smells like cane
Tabaco y bre’a
– Tobacco and bre’a
Uste’ está en Cali
– You’re in Cali
¡Ay, mire, vea!
– Oh, look, look!
Si las mujeres son
– If women are
Lindas y hermosas
– Cute and beautiful
Aquí no hay fea
– There is no ugly here
Para que vea
– For you to see

Mi Cali se está adornando para su fiesta más popular
– My Cali is getting decorated for her most popular party
Con caña dulce, el melao hierve en la paila hasta amanecer
– With sweet cane, the melao boils in the paila until dawn
Habrá corrida de toros, y por la noche, fiesta y rumba
– There will be a bullfight, and in the evening, a party and a rumba
En Cali, mirá
– In Cali, look
Se sabe goza’
– It is known that’
En Cali, mirá
– In Cali, look
Se sabe goza’
– It is known that’

De día, su sol ardiente hace que mi Cali se caliente
– By day, its hot sun makes my Cali hot
De noche, sus callecitas con farolitos se ven bonitas
– At night, its little streets with little lanterns look pretty
Afinen bien las orquestas, que este año sí vamo’ a reventar
– Tune the orchestras well, that this year we are going to burst
La rumba empezó en La Sexta, vamo’ a Juanchito es a remata’
– The rumba started in The Sixth, let’s go ‘to Juanchito is to finish’
Con salsa de ají
– With chili sauce
Con mucho maní
– With a lot of peanuts
Con salsa de ají
– With chili sauce
Con mucho maní
– With a lot of peanuts

(¡Oiga, mire, vea!)
– (Hey, look, see!)
(Véngase a Cali para que vea)
– (Come to Cali to see)
(¡Oiga, mire, vea!)
– (Hey, look, see!)
(Goce la feria para que vea)
– (Enjoy the fair for you to see)

Si uste’ va llegando, váyase entonando
– If you’re coming, go singing
Que de baile en baile, se va acomodando
– That from dance to dance, he settles in
De día, en la Plaza, corrida de toros
– By day, in the Square, bullfight
De noche, casetas, sin hembras ni modo
– At night, booths, without females or mode

(¡Oiga, mire, vea!)
– (Hey, look, see!)
(Véngase a Cali para que vea)
– (Come to Cali to see)

Si va uste’ a Juanchito, la pasa bonito
– If you go to Juanchito, it’s a nice time
Si va al barrio Obrero, se vuelve rumbero
– If he goes to the Working-class neighborhood, he becomes a Rumbero
Si se me acalora, no mire la hora
– If I get hot, don’t look at the time
Tómese un raspa’o, y cuento acaba’o
– Take a scratch, and it’s over

(¡Oiga, mire, vea!)
– (Hey, look, see!)
(Goce la feria para que vea)
– (Enjoy the fair for you to see)

Aquí no hay problema, aquí no hay pelea
– There’s no problem here, there’s no fight here
Mi gente de Cali disfruta y rumbea
– My people from Cali enjoy and rumbea
Pida una botella, pida una caneca
– Order a bottle, order a caneca
Que en mi Cali bella, la gente respeta
– That in my Cali bella, people respect

(¡Oiga, mire, vea!)
– (Hey, look, see!)
(Véngase a Cali para que vea)
– (Come to Cali to see)

Vaya despacito si ya va prendido
– Go slowly if it’s already on
Si va manejando, se mete en un lío
– If he’s driving, he gets into a mess
Quédese quietico, ya está amanecido
– Stay still, it’s already dawn
Y después descanse, váyase pa’ Pance
– And then rest, go away for a chance

(¡Oiga, mire, vea!)
– (Hey, look, see!)
(Véngase a Cali para que vea)
– (Come to Cali to see)

(¡Oiga, mire, vea!)
– (Hey, look, see!)
(Goce la feria para que vea)
– (Enjoy the fair for you to see)

(¡Oiga, mire, vea!)
– (Hey, look, see!)
(Véngase a Cali para que vea)
– (Come to Cali to see)
(¡Oiga, mire, vea!)
– (Hey, look, see!)
(Goce la feria para que vea)
– (Enjoy the fair for you to see)

– (What-what-what-what-what?)

Querían que te cantara
– They wanted me to sing to you
Cali, te canto, y te cantaré
– Cali, I sing to you, and I will sing to you
Después que pasa la feria
– After the fair passes
La rumba sigue como es
– The rumba continues as it is
Así queda demostrado
– It is thus proved
Y aquí queda comprobado
– And here it is checked

(Que las mujeres de Cali)
– (That the women of Cali)
(Tienen sabrosura)
– (They have a taste)
– (Sauce!)
(Porque mueven la cintura)
– (Because they move the waist)
(Las mujeres de Cali)
– (The Women of Cali)
(Tienen sabrosura)
– (They have a taste)
– (Sauce!)
Porque mueven la cintura
– Because they move the waist






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