Karim & Eboo – عروسة خشب Arabic Lyrics English Translations

كان من زمان نفسو يعيش وحدو وخوفو بيخدعو أن الحياة والناس بطبيعته
– It was from a time when the soul lived alone and fearfully deceived that life and people are by nature
لايمكن تقبله ولقى اخييرا شخص يخفف
– He can’t be accepted and has finally met someone who eases
عنه جسد فيه حب الناس اللي اتحرم منه.
– He has the love of the people that I am deprived of.
– Say it.
حسيت في يوم انك زيادة حمل زايد تخجل منه أو كمالة محدش فاهمه
– I felt one day that you were increasing the load of Zayed, ashamed of him or like a mahdash understand him
والناس بتشوفه بتبعد حتى المخدة شربت دمعه لحد ماا تقلت منفى .
– And people saw him so far away that even the pillow drank a tear, to some extent I said exile .
عايش جوه حدود مساحتو أسعد أوقاته بيقضيها لما يكون لوحدو.
– Goh experienced the limits of his space and spent his happiest times when he was alone.
– Introvert.
منعزل من الحياة.
– Isolated from life.
بيخاف في كتاب الدنيا اسمه في الهامش دايما مش متشاف مجتمعهم مش عايزنى.
– In the book of Revelation, his name is in the margin, and his community does not like me.
فأنا هعمل واحد ليا هل اللبس قانون انتهكتو عشان تحكموا عليا ما انا
– I am the only one who has violated the law so that you can judge me for what I am
لازم اكون زيكم علشان اعيش وسطكم قبل ما تحاكموني
– I need to be your costume so that I can live among you before you try me
بتهمة كوني نفسي حاكموا نفسكوا مكنش فاهم ان المجتمع قطيع.
– On the charge of being a psychic, judge yourself, you have not understood that society is a herd.
لو فرد واحد منه اتخلف عنه يتوه يضيع لقى انه لازم يلاقي حد جمبه فقام
– If one of them is left behind, he gets lost, he has to meet the limit of his collection, and he
قال انا مش هكون وسطيهم مسخ الا الاستسلام
– He said, ‘ I’m not going to be a monster in their midst except to give up.’
كان من زماان نفسه يعيش وحده وخوفه بيخدعه.
– From time immemorial he himself lived alone and his fear deceived him.
أن الحياة والناس بطبيعته لايمكن تقبله.
– That life and people by nature are intolerable.
ولقى اخييرا شخص يخفف عنه.
– He finally found someone to relieve him.
جسد فيه حب الناس اللي اتحرم منه.
– He embodied in him the love of people that I am deprived of.
ويشعرلك شعور كافر بكل عقيدة نسياكي كشبه صنم بيعبدله.
– And it feels blasphemous to all the dogmas of nesyaki as a kind of fetish to be sold instead.
بكل الحب يهواكي.
– With all the love he loves you.
كأن العشق كاان منك.
– It’s like Love was from you.
وان الحب كان ليكيي كحب المرحلة أو العمر
– And that love was likeI as the love of stage or age
كماسة خشب و شاريكي انا عملت بإيدي صنم وحبيته.
– As a woodcutter and sharecropper I worked with fetish hands and loved it.
تعرف لو كان بإيدي كنت حييته و صحيته هووو!!!
– You know, if it was in my hands, I’d be alive and healthy. Whoo!!!
مبيتكلمش ياما بس بيسليني معاه كنت بتحسن
– Sleep with him, I was feeling better
قربه مني بيقويني بقيت مبخافش من التعامل.
– His closeness to me made me stay wary of dealing.
بقيت بحكي بقيت بقوول كنا بننزل ياما مع اني مبحبش
– I kept telling you, I kept saying, ‘ We were going down, Yama, even though I’m a fan.’
النزول يااه لما بكون معاها بكون بضحك على طول بكون حد احسن.
– Get down, oh, why be with her, be laughing all the way, be a little better.
بكون مش مفصول بس ليه كل ما بشوفها بلاقيها بنفس
– By not being separated from each other, everything that I show her is the same
الوش وليه لما بكلمها بتبقى ساكتة متتكلمش جاوبيني .
– When she speaks, she is silent, and she answers me .
هو انتي كنتي وهم!
– It was you and them!
كنتي من نسج خيالي مش حقيقة مش شجن انا اللي كنت بغير نفسي كل ده مش
– You were a figment of my imagination, not a reality, not a Shagin, I was the one who was all by myself, not
انتي انا اللي وصلت لكدة بدونك هة فهمتي انا تمام صاغ
– You’re the one who got to me without you. I understand. I’m all set
سليم ومش مريض نفسي انا اللي كنت خايف اقوم بس قومت بنفسي
– Healthy and not a psychopath, I was the one who was scared to do my own thing






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