Relja, Eevke & 8nula8 – Oguccio Sam Je Bosnians Lyrics English Translations

Skratio joj muke, oguccio sam je
– Shortened her misery, oguccio I
Rolexovô ruke, nabudžio sam je
– Rolexovô hands, souped up my I’s
Uradio joj dupe, da snima story-e
– Did her ass, to make story-e
I kupio joj Q5, nabudžio sam je
– And bought her a Q5, souped up my I’s
Skratio joj muke, oguccio sam je
– Shortened her misery, oguccio I
Rolexovô ruke, nabudžio sam je
– Rolexovô hands, souped up my I’s
Uradio joj dupe, da snima story-e
– Did her ass, to make story-e
I kupio joj Q5, nabudžio sam je
– And bought her a Q5, souped up my I’s

Bacim USD, u crypto na USB
– Throw the USD, the crypto on USB
Ona, ona tu je gde se ni ne čuje
– She, she’s here where you don’t even hear
Tvrda, tvrda kuja je, možda te i ujede
– Hard, hard bitch, maybe you and bite
Dok trepneš čisti sve račune, urede
– Before you know it cleans up all the bills, offices

Znam face ugledne, s nama samo uštede
– Know face prominent, with us just savings
Lože je uvrede, hoće uvek runde-dve
– The lodge’s offense, they will always rounds-two
Oni bi da tuže me, da me osujete
– They would have to sue me, to me hamstring
Trude se kurve te, trudne da se usele
– Trying to whore you pregnant to move in

Rolam tanke, punim tanker
– Rolam thin, full tanker
Kada vide svi mi viču komandante
– When they see all of me yelling commander
Lomimo komade kao leda sante
– We break apart as the ice floe
Prodam sve to odma ne čekam da padne
– Sell it all right now can’t wait for fall
Robne marke, dok hodam prate
– Trade mark, as I walk following
A vi som na rate nema kom da date, a
– And you catfish in installments no where to give, and
U po gradu me po tome pamte
– In the city me by remember
Kada čuju automate su na podu banke
– When they hear vending machines are on the floor of the bank

Skratio joj muke, oguccio sam je
– Shortened her misery, oguccio I
Rolexovô ruke, nabudžio sam je
– Rolexovô hands, souped up my I’s
Uradio joj dupe, da snima story-e
– Did her ass, to make story-e
I kupio joj Q5, nabudžio sam je
– And bought her a Q5, souped up my I’s
Skratio joj muke, oguccio sam je
– Shortened her misery, oguccio I
Rolexovô ruke, nabudžio sam je
– Rolexovô hands, souped up my I’s
Uradio joj dupe, da snima story-e
– Did her ass, to make story-e
I kupio joj Q5
– And bought her Q5

Kaže da sam gotivan, sa mnom bi da lomi gram
– He says I fancy, with me, you would have to break gram
Svako veče to im dam, evo radimo već stoti dan
– Every night that I gave them, here we’ve been working for the hundredth day
Ličim na zombija, skrr-skrr, skroz sam pokidan
– I look like a zombie, skrr-skrr, I’m completely broke and
Black glass je crn kô mrak, ti sto posto providan
– Black glass is black like the dark, you hundred percent transparent
Pali ili skloni gun, slobodno me zovi van
– The fallen, or get gun, feel free to call me out
Ja ispred stojim sam, iza tebe bodyguard
– I’m outside I’m standing I’m right behind you bodyguard
Sakrij tog Rollie-a, znamo da je kopija
– Hide that is rollie-and, we know that it is a copy of the
Vidi dva konja sat, na ruci kočija
– See two horses an hour, on your arm carriage

Slušam kako vrišti (oooo)
– Listen to scream (oh)
Cela mokra kô na kiši (oooo)
– The whole wet like the rain (oh)
U tebe uđem kô u biznis (oooo)
– You get like a business (whooo)
A niz usne samo klizi (aaaa)
– And down the lips just slide (aaaa)
Slušam kako vrišti (aaaa)
– Listen to scream (aaaa)
Cela mokra kô na kiši (aaaa)
– The whole wet like the rain (aaaa)
U tebe uđem kô u biznis (aaaa)
– You get like a business (aaaa)
A niz usne samo klizi (aaaa)
– And down the lips just slide (aaaa)






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