
About Portuguese

Portuguese is the mother tongue of over 220 million people in the world and is spoken by 260 million people. 6 in the most spoken languages list. he’s in line. In addition, the most talked about in South America 1. It is also the second most widely spoken language in Latin America. language. The Portuguese […]


languages in Portuguese

Some of the largest countries in which Portuguese is used as official language (native): Brazil Portugal Mozambique Angola Guinea-Bissau Macao Green Nose Islands São Tomé and Príncipe


The most commonly used Portuguese vocabulary and sentences

Qual é o seu nome?=What is your name? O que é o seu trabalho?=What do you do? Eu sou um contabilista = accountant. Prazer em conhecê-Lo.=Nice to meet you. De onde você é?=Where Are you from? Quantos anos você tem?=How old are you? Eu tenho 21 anos de ida.=21 years old. Muito obrigado = thank […]


Use Of Portuguese Language

EDUCATION Education in Portugal is also provided by private or state universities, university institutes or polytechnic institutes. Polytechnic and University-type education facilities. Government-run universities accept students with a competition system called numerus Claus, or “registration restrictions “. Students are required to pass the exams they take in at least the grades before they are allowed […]