
About The Language Of Tatar

The language is a language that is spoken in many languages, such as English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. … It is also called “Kazan Tatarca” in order to separate the Polish Crimean Tatarca from the same family. It is the language spoken by the Tatars who live in Tatarstan, mostly within the Russian […]


Most frequently used Tatar words and sentences

Malai’s corner.= The boys are strong. Qiz bèlèki.= The girl is small. IR card.= The man is old. Irlèr card.= Men are old. The qizlar bülèki.= Girls are small. die bèlèki.= House is small. Horses AQ.= Horses are white. Buildings are destroyed.= Houses are big. Tons of apartments= good night Sau bilgil = to see […]


Grammar Rules Of The Tatarian Language

Infinitive attachments are the letters-U, -U, and-W in Tatarca. After thick consonants-U, after thin consonants-Ü and after celebrities-W comes: example: Baru (arrive), kilu (come), soraw (ask)) These attachments also assume the ulaç function: example: Baru (arrive), kilu (come), soraw (ask, question) In addition to these attachments,- RGA,- RGA attachments are similar to the master. But […]