Ella Henderson – Alibi (feat. Rudimental) Saesneg Lyrics & Cymru Cyfieithiadau

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You better run and hide, baby, I know where you were last night
– Rydych yn well rhedeg a chuddio, babi, yr wyf yn gwybod lle yr oeddech neithiwr
So I’m lightin’ up the sky, settin’ fire to your paradise
– Dw i’n mynd i’r nefoedd-i am going to the sky to the paradise
You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi
– Dwyt ti ddim yn cael-you are not got (familiar)
You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi
– Dwyt ti ddim yn cael-you are not got (familiar)

You better run and hide, baby, I know where you were last night
– Rydych yn well rhedeg a chuddio, babi, yr wyf yn gwybod lle yr oeddech neithiwr
So I’m lightin’ up the sky, settin’ fire to your paradise
– Dw i’n mynd i’r nefoedd-i am going to the sky to the paradise
You better run and hide, baby, I know where you were last night
– Rydych yn well rhedeg a chuddio, babi, yr wyf yn gwybod lle yr oeddech neithiwr
So I’m lightin’ up the sky, settin’ fire to your paradise
– Dw i’n mynd i’r nefoedd-i am going to the sky to the paradise
You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi
– Dwyt ti ddim yn cael-you are not got (familiar)
You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi
– Dwyt ti ddim yn cael-you are not got (familiar)

Gotta say I’m sorry and that liquor made me
– I am sorry i am a liquor
Your mama never tell you how to treat a lady?
– Nid yw eich mam byth yn dweud wrthych sut i drin menyw?
By this time tomorrow, you gon’ really hate me
– Erbyn hyn yfory, rydych gon ‘ wir casáu fi
Bet you wish you never played me
– Bet nad ydych chi erioed wedi chwarae i mi

You took her in our bed, you got no respect
– Cymerodd hi yn ein gwely, nid oes gennych barch
What did you expect? Now I burned this house down
– Beth oeddech chi’n ei ddisgwyl? Nawr rwy’n llosgi’r tŷ hwn i lawr
To the left, I’m on to the next
– Ar y chwith, ymlaen at y nesaf
I’ma get my sweet revenge
– I’m getting my sweet revenge

Tell me, how do you lie so easily?
– Dywedwch wrthyf, sut ydych chi’n gorwedd mor hawdd?
You’ve been messin’ with her, don’t mess with me
– Rydych chi wedi bod yn mesin’ gyda hi, peidiwch â llanast gyda mi
Tell me, how do you lie so easily?
– Dywedwch wrthyf, sut ydych chi’n gorwedd mor hawdd?
You’ve been messin’ with her, don’t mess with me
– Rydych chi wedi bod yn mesin’ gyda hi, peidiwch â llanast gyda mi

You better run and hide, baby, I know where you were last night
– Rydych yn well rhedeg a chuddio, babi, yr wyf yn gwybod lle yr oeddech neithiwr
So I’m lightin’ up the sky, settin’ fire to your paradise
– Dw i’n mynd i’r nefoedd-i am going to the sky to the paradise
You better run and hide, baby, I know where you were last night
– Rydych yn well rhedeg a chuddio, babi, yr wyf yn gwybod lle yr oeddech neithiwr
So I’m lightin’ up the sky, settin’ fire to your paradise
– Dw i’n mynd i’r nefoedd-i am going to the sky to the paradise

(You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi)
– (Dwyt ti ddim yn cael-you are not got (familiar)
You got no alibi
– Nid oes gennych alibi
(You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi)
– (Dwyt ti ddim yn cael-you are not got (familiar)
No, no
– Na, na
(You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi) mm-mm
– (You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no)-wdydwyd?
(You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi)
– (Dwyt ti ddim yn cael-you are not got (familiar)
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
– O, o, o, o, o, o, o, o

(You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi)
– (Dwyt ti ddim yn cael-you are not got (familiar)
You got no alibi
– Nid oes gennych alibi
(You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi)
– (Dwyt ti ddim yn cael-you are not got (familiar)
Oh, no
– O, na
(You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi)
– (Dwyt ti ddim yn cael-you are not got (familiar)
(You ain’t got no, you ain’t got no, you ain’t got no alibi)
– (Dwyt ti ddim yn cael-you are not got (familiar)
You ain’t got no alibi
– Nid oes gennych alibaba

Ella Henderson



