Kate Bush – This Woman’s Work Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Pray God you can cope
– Qudaıdan duǵa etińiz, sonda siz ony jeńe alasyz
I stand outside this woman’s work
– Men bul áıeldiń jumysynan alystap kettim
This woman’s world
– Bul áıeldiń álemi
Ooh, it’s hard on the man
– O, bul er adamǵa qıyn
Now his part is over
– Endi onyń róli aıaqtaldy
Now starts the craft of the father
– Endi ákeniń qolóneri bastalady

I know you have a little life in you yet
– Sizde áli de ómir bar ekenin bilemin
I know you have a lot of strength left
– Sizde áli de kóp kúsh bar ekenin bilemin
I know you have a little life in you yet
– Sizde áli de ómir bar ekenin bilemin
I know you have a lot of strength left
– Sizde áli de kóp kúsh bar ekenin bilemin

I should be crying, but I just can’t let it show
– Men jylaýym kerek edi, biraq men ony kórsete almaımyn.
I should be hoping, but I can’t stop thinking
– Men úmittenýim kerek edi, biraq oılaýdy toqtata almaımyn
Of all the things I should’ve said
– Men aıtýym kerek barlyq nárselerdiń ishinen
That I never said
– Men muny eshqashan aıtqan emespin
All the things we should’ve done
– Biz jasaýymyz kerek nárseniń bári
That we never did
– Biz eshqashan jasamaǵan nárse
All the things I should’ve given
– Men berýim kerek nárseniń bári
But I didn’t
– Biraq men olaı etpedim
Oh, darling, make it go
– O, qymbattym, ony jalǵastyryńyz
Make it go away
– Ony joǵaltyńyz

Give me these moments back
– Osy sátterdi maǵan qaıtaryńyz
Give them back to me
– Olardy maǵan qaıtaryńyz
Give me that little kiss
– Maǵan osy kishkentaı poselýıdi berińiz
Give me your hand
– Maǵan Qolyńdy ber

I know you have a little life in you yet
– Sizde áli de ómir bar ekenin bilemin
I know you have a lot of strength left
– Sizde áli de kóp kúsh bar ekenin bilemin
I know you have a little life in you yet
– Sizde áli de ómir bar ekenin bilemin
I know you have a lot of strength left
– Sizde áli de kóp kúsh bar ekenin bilemin

I should be crying, but I just can’t let it show
– Men jylaýym kerek edi, biraq men ony kórsete almaımyn.
I should be hoping, but I can’t stop thinking
– Men úmittenýim kerek edi, biraq oılaýdy toqtata almaımyn
Of all the things we should’ve said
– Biz aıtýymyz kerek barlyq nárselerdiń ishinen
That were never said
– Eshqashan aıtylmaǵan
All the things we should’ve done
– Biz jasaýymyz kerek nárseniń bári
That we never did
– Biz eshqashan jasamaǵan nárse
All the things that you needed from me
– Menen sizge qajet nárseniń bári
All the things that you wanted for me
– Siz Men úshin qalaǵannyń bári
All the things that I should’ve given but I didn’t
– Men berýim kerek edi, biraq bermedim
Oh, darling, make it go away
– O, qymbattym, muny jasańyz
Just make it go away now
– Qazir ony joǵaltyp alyńyz

Kate Bush



