Travis Scott – sdp interlude Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop…
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, ishińiz…
– Bir

Yeah, yeah
– Iá, ıá
So smoke some, drink some, pop one (lit)
– Sondyqtan azdap temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin shegińiz (temeki shegý)
Smoke some, drink some, pop one (lit)
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz (temeki shegý)
Smoke some, drink some, pop one (lit)
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz (temeki shegý)
Smoke some, drink some, pop one (lit)
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz (temeki shegý)
– Iá

Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz
Smoke some, drink some, pop one
– Biraz temeki shegińiz, azdap ishińiz, bireýin ashyńyz

Your mama never let you guys outside
– Sizdiń anańyz sizdi eshqashan syrtqa shyǵarǵan emes
She probably still beat your ass
– Ol sizdiń esegińizdi áli de uryp jatqan shyǵar
Man, what the…
– Qarǵys atsyn, ne úshin…
You a virgin? You a virgin, huh?
– Siz páksiz be? Siz pák qyzsyz, ıá?
Your lil’ small, your lil’ skinny ass can’t even take it
– Sizdiń kishkentaı, kishkentaı aryq esegińiz oǵan shydaı almaıdy
What you doin’ with that weed?
– Siz bul aramshóppen ne isteısiz?
Where you get that? Huh?
– Siz ony qaıdan aldyńyz? A?
I’ma tell your mama
– Men sizdiń anańyzǵa aıtamyn

Travis Scott


