Rainbow Kitten Surprise – It’s Called: Freefall Ingliż Lirika & Malti Traduzzjonijiet

Klipp Tal-Vidjo


Called to the Devil and the Devil did come
– Imsejjaħ lix – xitan u x-Xitan ġie
I said to the devil, “Devil do you like drums?
– Għedt lix-xitan, ” Xitan tħobb it-tnabar?
Do you like cigarettes, dominoes, rum?”
– Tħobb is-sigaretti, id-dominoes, ir-rum?”
He said only “sundown, Sundays, Christmas”
– Huwa qal biss “sundown, ħdud,Milied”
Some day’s end when I need a few friends
– Xi tmiem ta’ġurnata meta jkolli bżonn ftit ħbieb
Now and again I could never hope to keep them
– Issa u għal darb’oħra qatt ma stajt nittama li nżommhom
Thought to give friends what I thought that they wanted
– Ħsibt li nagħti lill ħbieb dak li ħsibt li riedu
Never had they needed a good friend as I’ve been
– Qatt ma kellhom bżonn ħabib tajjeb kif kont jien

Don’t get me venting on friends who resent you
– Ma jsibux me venting fuq ħbieb li resent inti
‘Cause all you’ve ever done is been a noose to hang on to
– ‘għaliex kulma qatt għamilt huwa li kont noose biex tistrieħ fuqu
They thought was a necklace and reckless they fell into hell
– Ħasbu li kienet ġiżirana u imprudenti waqgħu fl infern
Where you both hang with nothing to do but
– Fejn it tnejn tistrieħ mingħajr xejn x’tagħmel ħlief

Scratch, kick, let gravity win like
– Scratch, kick, ħalli l-gravità tirbaħ bħal
Fuck this, let gravity win like
– Spalla dan, ħalli l-gravità tirbaħ bħal
You could leave it all behind
– Tista’tħalli kollox warajh
Even the Devil needs time alone sometimes
– Anke x Xitan għandu bżonn iż żmien waħdu kultant
You could let it all go, you could let it all go
– Tista’tħalli kollox imur, tista’tħallih kollu għaddej
It’s called: freefall
– Huwa msejjaħ: freefall
It’s called: freefall
– Huwa msejjaħ: freefall

Called to the Devil and the Devil said quit
– Imsejjaħ lix Xitan u x Xitan qal nieqaf
Can’t be bothered better handle your shit
– Ma tistax tkun imdejqa aħjar immaniġġja l-ħmieġ tiegħek
Keep about your wits man, keep about your wits
– Żomm dwar il – bniedem wits tiegħek, żomm dwar wits tiegħek
Know yourself and who you came in with
– Kun af lilek innifsek u ma’min ġejt
Can I sit down I’ve been hustling all day
– Nista’noqgħod bilqiegħda ilni nħawwad il ġurnata kollha
I can’t even count how many souls I’ve made
– Lanqas nista’ngħodd kemm għamilt erwieħ
Off the same deal you on
– Off-istess jittrattaw inti fuq
Remember, the Devil ain’t a friend to no one
– Ftakar, ix – Xitan mhux ħabib ta’ħadd
But fine, true
– Imma tajjeb, veru

You could let it all go, you could let it all go
– Tista’tħalli kollox imur, tista’tħallih kollu għaddej
It’s Called: Freefall
– Huwa Msejjaħ: Freefall
It’s Called: Freefall
– Huwa Msejjaħ: Freefall

Called to the Devil and the Devil said
– Imsejjaħ lix – xitan u x-Xitan qal
Hey! Why you been calling this late?
– Ħej! Għaliex kont qed issejjaħ dan tard?
It’s like 2 A.M. and the bars all close at 10 in hell, that’s a rule I made
– Qisu s-2 A. M. u l-vireg kollha jagħlqu fl-10 fl-infern, dik hija regola li għamilt
Anyway, you say you’re too busy saving everybody else to save yourself
– Xorta waħda, tgħid li int okkupat wisq biex issalva lil kulħadd biex issalva lilek innifsek
And you don’t want no help, oh well
– U ma tridx l-ebda għajnuna, oh ukoll
That’s the story to tell
– Dik hija l istorja li tgħid

Like you could let it all go, you could let it all go
– Bħalma tista’tħalli kollox imur, tista’tħallih kollu għaddej
It’s called: freefall
– Huwa msejjaħ: freefall
It’s called: freefall
– Huwa msejjaħ: freefall
You could let it all go, you could let it all go
– Tista’tħalli kollox imur, tista’tħallih kollu għaddej
Cause ain’t shit free but falling out
– Jikkawża mhux shit ħielsa iżda jaqgħu barra
And that shit’s easy let me show you how, it’s like
– U dik il-ħmieġ faċli ħallini nurik kif, qisu

Ain’t shit free but falling out
– Mhux bla ħmieġ imma taqa’barra
And that shit’s easy let me show you how it’s like
– U dik il ħmieġ faċli ħallini nurik kif inhi

Rainbow Kitten Surprise



