Shakira – Whenever, Wherever Ingliż Lirika & Malti Traduzzjonijiet

Klipp Tal-Vidjo


Lucky you were born that far away so
– Xxurtjati inti twieldu li bogħod hekk
We could both make fun of distance
– It tnejn nistgħu nidħku bid distanza
Lucky that I love a foreign land for
– Fortunat li nħobb art barranija għaliha
The lucky fact of your existence
– Il-fatt xortik tajba tal-eżistenza tiegħek

Baby, I would climb the Andes solely
– Tarbija, nixtieq jitilgħu l-Andes biss
To count the freckles on your body
– Biex tgħodd il-freckles fuq ġismek
Never could imagine there were only
– Qatt ma jista’jimmaġina kien hemm biss
Ten million ways to love somebody
– Għaxar miljun mod kif tħobb lil xi ħadd

Le-do-lo-le-lo-le, le-do-lo-le-lo-le
– Le-do-lo-le-le, le-do-lo-le-le-le
Can’t you see? I’m at your feet
– Ma tistax tara? Jien f’riġlejk

Whenever, wherever
– Kull meta, kull fejn
We’re meant to be together
– Aħna maħsuba biex inkunu flimkien
I’ll be there, and you’ll be near
– Jien inkun hemm, u tkun viċin
And that’s the deal, my dear
– U dak hu l-ftehim, għeżież tiegħi
There over, hereunder
– Hemm fuq, hawn taħt
You’ll never have to wonder
– Qatt ma jkollok għalfejn tistaqsi
We can always play by ear
– Dejjem nistgħu nilagħbu bil widna
But that’s the deal, my dear
– Imma dak hu l-ftehim, għeżież tiegħi

Lucky that my lips not only mumble
– Xortik tajba li xufftejn tiegħi mhux biss mumble
They spill kisses like a fountain
– Huma jxerrdu bews bħal funtana
Lucky that my breasts are small and humble
– Xxurtjati li sider tiegħi huma żgħar u umli
So you don’t confuse ’em with mountains
– Allura ma tħawwadhomx mal-muntanji

Lucky I have strong legs like my mother
– Fortunat għandi saqajn b’saħħithom bħal ommi
To run for cover when I need it
– Biex niġri għall-kopertura meta jkolli bżonnha
And these two eyes that for no other
– U dawn iż żewġ għajnejn li għall ebda oħra
The day you leave, will cry a river
– Il-jum li titlaq, tibki xmara

Le-do-lo-le-lo-le, le-do-lo-le-lo-le
– Le-do-lo-le-le, le-do-lo-le-le-le
At your feet, I’m at your feet
– Fuq saqajk, jien fuq saqajk

Whenever, wherever
– Kull meta, kull fejn
We’re meant to be together
– Aħna maħsuba biex inkunu flimkien
I’ll be there, and you’ll be near
– Jien inkun hemm, u tkun viċin
And that’s the deal, my dear
– U dak hu l-ftehim, għeżież tiegħi
There over, hereunder
– Hemm fuq, hawn taħt
Or up above, don’t wonder
– Jew’il fuq, ma nistaqsix
We can always play by ear
– Dejjem nistgħu nilagħbu bil widna
But that’s the deal, my dear
– Imma dak hu l-ftehim, għeżież tiegħi

Le-do-lo-le-lo-le, le-do-lo-le-lo-le
– Le-do-lo-le-le, le-do-lo-le-le-le
Think out loud, say it again
– Aħseb b’leħen għoli, erġa’għidha
– Le-do-lo-le-le-le-le
Tell me one more time
– Għidli darba oħra
That you’ll live lost in my eyes
– Li tgħix mitluf f’għajnejja

Whenever, wherever
– Kull meta, kull fejn
We’re meant to be together
– Aħna maħsuba biex inkunu flimkien
I’ll be there, and you’ll be near
– Jien inkun hemm, u tkun viċin
And that’s the deal, my dear
– U dak hu l-ftehim, għeżież tiegħi
There over, hereunder
– Hemm fuq, hawn taħt
You got me head over heels
– Inti ltqajna me ras fuq tkaken
There’s nothing left to fear
– Ma fadal xejn x’biża’
If you really feel the way I feel
– Jekk tassew tħoss il mod kif inħossni

Whenever, wherever
– Kull meta, kull fejn
We’re meant to be together
– Aħna maħsuba biex inkunu flimkien
I’ll be there, and you’ll be near
– Jien inkun hemm, u tkun viċin
And that’s the deal, my dear
– U dak hu l-ftehim, għeżież tiegħi
There over, hereunder
– Hemm fuq, hawn taħt
You got me head over heels
– Inti ltqajna me ras fuq tkaken
There’s nothing left to fear
– Ma fadal xejn x’biża’
If you really feel the way I feel
– Jekk tassew tħoss il mod kif inħossni




