
About Italian

In general, Italy and around 70 million people are used by the language. It is a Latin language. It is very similar to other Roman languages, such as French, Spanish and Portuguese. For this reason, it will be easy for someone who knows Italian to learn other Latin languages. Italian has a distinctive melody with […]


The Countries In Which The Italian Language Is Used Are

Italy Vatican Switzerland San Marino Slovenia Croatia


The most commonly used word Italian and sentences

Come ti chiami? -=adın ne? Mi chiamo =adım …. Di Dove Sei?= nerelisin? Sono Di..istanbul=istanbulluyum Buongiorno=İyi günler Buonasera=İyi akşamlar Arrivederci=Görüşmek üzere Buananotte=İyi geceyarıları Grazie=TeşekkürlerBuongiorno : =iyi günler (Buonciorno) Buonasera =iyi akşamlar (Buonusera) Arrivederci =görüşmek üzere (Arriderçi) Buonanotte =iyi geceler (Buonanotte) Grazie =Teşekkürler Grazie Mille =Çok Teşekkürler (Grazie) Come stai ? : Resmi olmayan hatır sorma […]


Italian Usage Areas

Italian In Education Italy has been one of the most popular countries selected for education in recent years with many opportunities for Turkish students. Among the main reasons that made Italy popular are: In Italy, offers a unique cultural environment with a high educational level. Architecture, Design, Engineering, Economics, such as many important areas of […]