Kategori: UZ
Jessie Murph – Sip Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar
Videoklip Lirika I’ve been up and at it all night – Men tun bo’yi turdim With a cold drink and a tall guy – Sovuq ichimlik va baland bo’yli yigit bilan I’m fading out – Men so’nib ketyapman Stumbled out into the moonlight – Oy nuriga qoqilib chiqdi And I drop down for the first…
Tyler, The Creator – I Hope You Find Your Way Home Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar
Videoklip Lirika I hope you find your way home – Umid qilamanki, siz uyga yo’l topasiz I hope you find your way home – Umid qilamanki, siz uyga yo’l topasiz I hope you find your way home (Find your way home, find your way home, find your way home) – Umid qilamanki, siz uyga yo’l…
The Cure – All I Ever Am Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar
Videoklip Lirika I think too much of all that’s gone – Menimcha, bularning hammasi juda ko’p Of how it was before my thoughts – Bu mening fikrlarimdan oldin qanday bo’lganligi haqida Obsessed with choices made for sure – Aniq qilingan tanlovlar bilan ovora In ignorance of history – Tarixni bilmaslik And consequence as more and…
Gigi Perez – Fable Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar
Videoklip Lirika Fable and truth – Ertak va haqiqat Direct me to someone who gives me the juice and new rules – Meni sharbat va yangi qoidalar beradigan odamga yo’naltiring Someone to tell me we’re not born to be mules in this – Menga aytadigan kishi, biz bu erda xachir bo’lish uchun tug’ilmaganmiz Everything, it…
Duki & Lia Kali – Constelación Ispancha Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar
Videoklip Lirika (Tanta’ balas) – (Shuncha o’q) (Ya lanzadas) – (Allaqachon boshlangan) 雪山, 你在哪裡?! – 雪山, 你在哪裡?! ¿De qué va a hablar mi canción si se calma ese dolor que me daba inspiración? – Agar menga Ilhom bergan og’riq tinchlansa, qo’shig’im nima haqida gapiradi? ¿Hace cuánto dejé de ser ese pibe soñador encerra’o en su…
Denzel Curry, LAZER DIM 700 & Bktherula – STILL IN THE PAINT Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar
Videoklip Lirika Pow, pow – Asir, asir Pow, pow – Asir, asir Pow, pow – Asir, asir Pow, pow – Asir, asir Ayy, see LAZER be my motherfuckin’ nigga (Pow, pow, pow, pow, my nigga) – Ayy, qarang LAZER mening onam nigga bo’ling (asir, asir, asir, asir, mening nigga) I hang in the trenches with…
Arctic Monkeys – Do I Wanna Know? Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar
Videoklip Lirika Have you got colour in your cheeks? – Yonoqlaringizda rang bormi? Do you ever get that fear that you can’t shift the type – Siz hech qachon turni o’zgartira olmasligingizdan qo’rqasizmi That sticks around like summat in your teeth? – Bu sizning tishlaringizdagi summat kabi yopishadimi? Are there some aces up your sleeve?…
Kelsea Ballerini – To The Men That Love Women After Heartbreak Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar
Videoklip Lirika Lyrics from Live Performance – Jonli ijrodan qo’shiqlar To the men that love women after heartbreak – Heartbreak keyin ayollarni sevaman erkaklarga To the hellos that come after goodbyes – Xayrlashgandan keyin keladigan hellosga To the rain that was falling but watered the gardens – Yog’ayotgan yomg’irga, lekin bog’larni sug’ordi And the ones…
Quevedo – DURO Ispancha Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar
Videoklip Lirika Anoche salí con tu wifey, y no parecía tu wifey – Kecha men sizning xotiningiz bilan chiqdim va bu sizning xotiningizga o’xshamadi Perreamos a poca luz – Biz past nurda perreamos Pasamos la noche juntos y acabé dándole rastri, je – Biz tunni birga o’tkazdik va men unga rastrini berdim, u Yo se…