Ahmet Kaya – Yorgun Demokrat Turkish Lyrics English Translations

Karanlık yollardan geçtik
– We’ve been through dark roads
Zehir gibi sular içtik
– We drank water like poison
Bir yanımızda ölüm
– Death on one side
Bir yanımızda yar sevdik
– We loved yar next to us

Bir değil bin bir kere
– Not once, but once a thousand
Sırat köprüsünden geçtik
– We crossed the Sirat bridge
Cehennem denen illetin
– A disease called Hell
Taa göğsünü deldik geçtik
– All the way through his chest.

Bu yolda dönenler oldu
– There have been those who have returned on this path
Mum gibi sönenler oldu
– There were those that went out like candles
Yar göğsüne baş komadan
– Yar chest from head coma
Vurulup düşenler oldu
– There were people who were shot and fell

Bu yolda dönenler oldu
– There have been those who have returned on this path
Mum gibi sönenler oldu
– There were those that went out like candles
Yar göğsüne baş komadan
– Yar chest from head coma
Vurulup düşenler oldu
– There were people who were shot and fell

Bir sen kaldın geride
– You’re the last of a
Bir sen kaldın geride
– You’re the last of a
Ah akıp gidiyor hayat
– Oh, life is flowing
Yüreğim anlıyor seni
– My heart understands you
Artık susma Yorgun Demokrat
– Don’t shut up anymore, tired Democrat

Ah akıp gidiyor hayat
– Oh, life is flowing
Yüreğim anlıyor seni
– My heart understands you
Artık susma Yorgun Demokrat
– Don’t shut up anymore, tired Democrat

Şarkılar küsmüş dudağa
– Lip bird’s song
Ömründe gecikmiş hasat
– Delayed harvest in your life
Karışmış çoluk çocuğa
– Mixed offspring
Geçim derdinde demokrat
– Democrat on livelihood issues

İçlenir hatırladıkça
– Drink as long as I remember
İzlerini o günlerin
– Traces of those days
Düşe kalka bata çıka
– Fall up and go down
Yaşadığı o depremin
– That earthquake he experienced

Bu yolda dönenler oldu
– There have been those who have returned on this path
Mum gibi sönenler oldu
– There were those that went out like candles
Yar göğsüne baş komadan
– Yar chest from head coma
Vurulup düşenler oldu
– There were people who were shot and fell

Bu yolda dönenler oldu
– There have been those who have returned on this path
Mum gibi sönenler oldu
– There were those that went out like candles
Yar göğsüne baş komadan
– Yar chest from head coma
Vurulup düşenler oldu
– There were people who were shot and fell

Bir sen kaldın geride
– You’re the last of a
Bir sen kaldın geride
– You’re the last of a
Ah akıp gidiyor hayat
– Oh, life is flowing
Yüreğim anlıyor seni
– My heart understands you
Artık susma Yorgun Demokrat
– Don’t shut up anymore, tired Democrat

Ah akıp gidiyor hayat
– Oh, life is flowing
Yüreğim anlıyor seni
– My heart understands you
Artık susma Yorgun Demokrat
– Don’t shut up anymore, tired Democrat






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