Oh 人都應該有夢 有夢就別怕痛
– Oh, everyone should have dreams and dreams, don’t be afraid of pain
– There is thunder blowing non-stop
– The rain splashed into my eyes and I couldn’t see it clearly
誰急速狂飆 溅我一身 的泥濘
– Who hurriedly splashed the mud all over me
– Pretty sure where I want to go
– Go to heaven to skip Hell
也不恐懼 不逃避
– No fear, no escape
這不是脾氣 是所謂志氣 (與勇氣)
– This is not a temper, it’s a so-called ambition (and courage)
你能推我下懸崖 我能學會飛行
– You can push me off a cliff, I can learn to fly
從不聽 誰的命令 (很獨立)
– Never listen to anyone’s orders (very independent)
– Ears are used to listen to your own heart
淋雨一直走 是一顆寶石就該閃爍
– Walking all the time in the rain is a gem that should twinkle
人都應該有夢 有夢就別怕痛
– People should have dreams and dreams, don’t be afraid of pain
淋雨一直走 是道陽光就該暖和
– Walking all the time in the rain is the way the sun should be warm
人都應該有夢 有夢就別怕痛
– People should have dreams and dreams, don’t be afraid of pain
– There are vultures circling in front
– There is a sour whisper behind it
黑色的童話 是給長大 的洗禮
– The black fairy tale is a baptism for growing up
– To be unique is to be popular
– Yourself that cannot be copied
讓我連受傷 也有型
– Let me even get hurt
這不是脾氣 是所謂志氣 (與勇氣)
– This is not a temper, it’s a so-called ambition (and courage)
你能推我下懸崖 我能學會飛行
– You can push me off a cliff, I can learn to fly
從不聽 誰的命令 (很獨立)
– Never listen to anyone’s orders (very independent)
– Ears are used to listen to your own heart
淋雨一直走 是一顆寶石就該閃爍
– Walking all the time in the rain is a gem that should twinkle
人都應該有夢 有夢就別怕痛
– People should have dreams and dreams, don’t be afraid of pain
淋雨一直走 是道陽光就該暖和
– Walking all the time in the rain is the way the sun should be warm
人都應該有夢 有夢就別怕痛
– People should have dreams and dreams, don’t be afraid of pain
有時掉進黑洞 有時候爬上彩虹
– Sometimes fall into a black hole, sometimes climb a rainbow
在下一秒鐘 命運如何轉動 沒有人會曉得
– No one will know how fate turns in the next second
我說希望無窮 你猜美夢成空
– I said hope is endless. Guess the dream is empty.
相信和懷疑 總要決鬥
– Believe and doubt always have to duel
淋雨一直走 是一顆寶石就該閃爍
– Walking all the time in the rain is a gem that should twinkle
人都應該有夢 有夢就別怕痛
– People should have dreams and dreams, don’t be afraid of pain
淋雨一直走 是道陽光就該暖和
– Walking all the time in the rain is the way the sun should be warm
人都應該有夢 有夢就別怕痛
– People should have dreams and dreams, don’t be afraid of pain
淋雨一直走 是一顆寶石就該閃爍
– Walking all the time in the rain is a gem that should twinkle
人都應該有夢 有夢就別怕痛
– People should have dreams and dreams, don’t be afraid of pain
淋雨一直走 是道陽光就該暖和
– Walking all the time in the rain is the way the sun should be warm
人都應該有夢 有夢就別怕痛
– People should have dreams and dreams, don’t be afraid of pain

Angela Chang – Keep Walking Chinese Lyrics English Translations
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