這一路 翻越了喜與悲 是與非
– Along the way, I have overcome joy and sorrow, right and wrong.
一雙眼 看過許多變遷
– I have seen many changes with one pair of eyes
有時候 我也會 覺得有一點累
– Sometimes I feel a little tired
一瞬間 懷疑身邊一切
– Doubt everything around you for a moment
隱形翅膀 帶著我幻想
– Invisible wings take my fantasy
掠過那絕望 找希望
– Skim the despair and find hope
你的力量 卻是我身上真實的飛翔
– Your power is the real thing in me.
帶著我抵擋 曾受過的傷
– Take me to resist the injuries I have suffered
– Every lonely night
我們是彼此有形的翅膀 學著更堅強
– We are each other’s tangible wings, learning to be stronger
這一路 經歷了愛與恨 錯與對
– I have experienced love and hate, wrong and right along the way
一句話 很難說得完全
– It’s hard to say a word completely
有時候 我也會想要掉一些淚
– Sometimes I want to shed some tears
哭完了 再站起來面對
– Stand up and face it after crying
隱形翅膀 帶著我幻想
– Invisible wings take my fantasy
掠過那絕望 找希望
– Skim the despair and find hope
你的力量 卻是我身上真實的飛翔
– Your power is the real thing in me.
帶著我抵擋 曾受過的傷
– Take me to resist the injuries I have suffered
– Every lonely night
我們是彼此有形的翅膀 學著更堅強
– We are each other’s tangible wings, learning to be stronger
我曾害怕 所以我懂得難免會沮喪的模樣
– I was scared, so I know that I will inevitably be depressed.
我受過傷 所以更渴望美麗的飛翔
– I have been injured, so I am more eager to fly beautifully
你在我身旁 陪我勇敢唱
– You sing bravely by my side with me
– Like a home that protects me
我們是彼此有形的翅膀 飛進了堅強
– We are each other’s tangible wings flying into the sky
真實的翅膀 擦去那淚光 還記得夢想
– The real wings wipe away the tears and remember the dream

Angela Chang – Visible Wings Chinese Lyrics English Translations
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