Hugo & Guilherme – Oi Deus Portuguese Lyrics English Translations

Oi Deus, sou eu de novo
– Hi God, it’s me again
Magoei ela de novo
– I hurt her again

Hoje acordei de ressaca, vi tudo arrumado
– Today I woke up with a hangover, I saw everything arranged
Me lembrei que a gente tinha combinado
– I remembered that we had arranged
Ontem era o nosso quinto aniversário
– Yesterday was our fifth birthday

Tinha um vinho no gelo que já virou água
– Had a wine on ice that has already turned water
Uma vela que já ‘tava apagada
– A candle that was already out
Uma comida fria e uma aliança jogada
– A cold food and a thrown alliance

Ela me largou e eu não sei rezar
– She dumped me and I don’t know how to pray
Mas prometo tudo se ela voltar
– But I promise everything if she comes back
Ela me largou e eu não sei rezar
– She dumped me and I don’t know how to pray
Mas prometo tudo se ela voltar
– But I promise everything if she comes back

Hoje acordei de ressaca, vi tudo arrumado
– Today I woke up with a hangover, I saw everything arranged
Me lembrei que a gente tinha combinado
– I remembered that we had arranged
Ontem era o nosso quinto aniversário
– Yesterday was our fifth birthday

Complicado, né?
– Complicated, right?

Tinha um vinho no gelo que já virou água
– Had a wine on ice that has already turned water
Uma vela que já ‘tava apagada
– A candle that was already out
Uma comida fria e uma aliança jogada
– A cold food and a thrown alliance

Ela me largou e eu não sei rezar
– She dumped me and I don’t know how to pray
Mas prometo tudo se ela voltar
– But I promise everything if she comes back
Ela me largou e eu não sei rezar
– She dumped me and I don’t know how to pray
Mas prometo tudo se ela voltar
– But I promise everything if she comes back

Ela me largou (vocês, vem, vem, vem)
– She dumped me (You, Come, Come, come)
(E eu não sei rezar)
– (And I don’t know how to pray)
(Mas prometo tudo) se ela voltar
– (But I promise everything) if she comes back

Sempre ele
– Always he
Sempre ele lá em cima, sempre ele
– Always he up there, always he
– Beautiful!






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