Is there nothing but the cold at the centre of a blackhole?
– Ez al dago hotzik zulo beltz baten erdian?
Ooh, bitch
– Putakumea!
The signal fire’s gonna burn out
– Sua piztuko da
Through the sirens and the flares
– Sirenen eta suzirien bidez
I was swallowed by the storm clouds
– Ekaitz hodeiek irentsi ninduten
Hail stones on a glass house
– Kazkabarra harriak kristalezko etxe batean
There were diamonds in the air
– Diamanteak zeuden airean
And the oxygen left my chest
– Eta oxigenoak bularra utzi zidan
Lost souls trapped beneath this ceiling
– Arima galduak sabai azpian harrapatuta
It’s figure eight ’til the ghosts have been laid to rest
– Zortzigarren irudia da ‘ mamuak lurperatu arte
Pull it tight, try to stop this bleeding
– Tira estu, saiatu odoljarioa hau gelditzeko
Stampede as the horrors run through my head
– Stampede, izugarrikeriak buruan sartzen zaizkidanean.
Death stared and I died a thousand times
– Heriotzari begira mila aldiz hil nintzen
Nightmares left a riot in my mind
– Amesgaiztoek mindilu bat eragin zidaten buruan
Is today so hollow if there were no tomorrow?
– Gaur hain hutsik dago bihar ez balego?
Midnight, we cut the power lines
– Gauerdian, elektrizitate kableak moztu genituen
No light but the fire in my eyes
– Argirik ez begietan sua baizik
Is today so hollow if there were no tomorrow?
– Gaur hain hutsik dago bihar ez balego?
Ooh, bitch
– Putakumea!
Sick of living with the pain now
– Nazkatuta nago orain minarekin bizitzeaz
Someone take me for repair
– Norbaitek konpontzen nau
There’s a bitter taste in my mouth
– Zapore garratza daukat ahoan
In the silence, there was ill health
– Isiltasunean, osasun-arazoak izan ziren
Maybe life just isn’t fair
– Agian bizitza ez da bidezkoa
Maybe I’m just fucking self-obsessed
– Agian obsesionatuta nago
Don’t say I gotta chase this feeling
– Ez esan sentimendu hori jarraitu behar dudanik
Bullets hit, but it’s only gonna dent the vest
– Balak jo, baina txalekoa hondatuko du
Wartime with the whole world sleeping
– Gerra garaian mundu osoa lo zegoen
Bombs drop on the prison hope built instead
– Bonbak espetxera jaurti itxaropena eraiki ordez
Struck down
– Jo egin dute.
Souls carried through an unknown universe
– Arimak unibertso ezezagun batean barrena
No service for the faithless, everything turns to dust
– Fedegabeen zerbitzurik ez, dena hauts bihurtzen da
Death stared and I died a thousand times
– Heriotzari begira mila aldiz hil nintzen
Nightmares left a riot in my mind
– Amesgaiztoek mindilu bat eragin zidaten buruan
Is today so hollow if there were no tomorrow?
– Gaur hain hutsik dago bihar ez balego?
Midnight, we cut the power lines
– Gauerdian, elektrizitate kableak moztu genituen
No light but the fire in my eyes
– Argirik ez begietan sua baizik
Is today so hollow if there were no tomorrow?
– Gaur hain hutsik dago bihar ez balego?
There were diamonds in the air
– Diamanteak zeuden airean
And the oxygen left my chest
– Eta oxigenoak bularra utzi zidan
Is there anybody there?
– Norbait dago hor?
I pray that I’ll be blessed
– Otoitz egiten dut bedeinkatua izan nadin
Heaven to Earth, God only knows if we’re here in spirit
– Zerutik Lurrera, Jainkoak bakarrik daki hemen gaudela espirituan
Chapter and verse, there’s nowhere to go when the sky is the limit
– Kapitulua eta bertsoa, ez dago nora joan zerua muga denean
Reign, reign
– Erregealdia, erregealdia
Is there nothing but the cold at the centre of a blackhole?
– Ez al dago hotzik zulo beltz baten erdian?
Heaven to Earth, God only knows if we’re here in spirit
– Zerutik Lurrera, Jainkoak bakarrik daki hemen gaudela espirituan
Chapter and verse, nowhere to go when the sky is the limit
– Kapitulua eta bertsoa, nora joan zerua muga denean