
Most commonly used Hebrew words and sentences

My shawl. = Hi, Hi.

BaruH ABA. = Welcome. ‘To the man.’

BaruHa Abaa. = Welcome. ‘Addressed to the woman.’

Boker tov! = Good Morning!

Erev tov! = Good Evening!

Layla tov! = Good Night!

Ma shlomha? = How are you? ‘To the man.’

Smotret Ma? = How are you? ‘Addressed to the woman.’

Eyh Atem margum gvirotay and rabotay? How are you ladies and gentlemen?

My NA Meod lehakirHa. = Nice to meet you.

My NA, Meod. = Nice to meet you.

Toda. = Thank you.

Toda raba. = Thank you very much.

Bevakasha. = Please. ‘Thanks can be said in response.’

Theology! = See you later!

Solder! = See you later! ’Used in unofficial language’

Ken. = Yeah.

Lo. = No.

Ma ze? = What is this?

Ma ze Damascus? = What is this?

Beseder. = OK.

Be emet. = Really. ‘Really?’

Al lo Davar. = You’re welcome.

TislaH Li! = Excuse me! ‘Man, addressed to’

TisleHi Li! = Excuse me! ’Address to woman’

ANI mitztaer! = Sorry!

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