
About The Indian

Hindi is spoken by more than 260 million Indians and is the world’s second most populous country with a population of 1.2 billion. Country is the official language of India spoken in India. The Indo-European language family is dependent on the Indo-Iranian group. Since 1991, Hindi has been regarded as an official language by the Indian state. Years ago, when discussing the geography of Sanskrit in all India intensively with the influence of later Arabic and Persian language about the language spoken in more than 1,000 different regions has emerged. According to the census data made in India in 2001, 122 languages and 1,599 different languages were spoken, among which, more than 1 million people speak languages 30, the number of at least 10,000 speakers of the number of languages is known to be 122.

Hindi and many other local languages are written in Devanagari Alphabet. In addition, the mother tongue of Pakistan, Urdu and Hindi are similar. However, the Urdu Arabic alphabet in Pakistan is written in Hindi also used in the alphabet Devanagari. The Devanagari Alphabet is the only syllable, just like the Japanese alphabet, and each symbol represents a syllable, in other words, a voice. There is a horizontal line at the top of all symbols (for example: Bob Smith).

It is written from left to right, as in Hindi, Turkish and all Latin languages. Another feature that is similar to Turkish is that verbs are found at the end of the sentence structure.

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