
Most frequently used Indonesian words and sentences

Greetings and courtesy sentences

Selamat Pagi. = Good Morning.

Selamat Siang. = Good afternoon.

Selamat Sore. = Good evening.

Salamat Malam. = Good night.

Apa Kabar? = How are you?

Kabar Baik. = I’m fine.

At siapa Nama? = What is your name?

Nama Saya Betül. = My name is Betül.

Senang berkenalan at dengan. = Nice to meet you.

Sampai Jump Lagi. = See you later.

Saya was tidak Menger. = I don’t understand.


Ya / Tentu. = Yeah.

Beres. = OK.

Terima kasih. = Thank you.

The bone. = Nothing.

Tolong / Silakkan. = Please.

Tolonglah Sayya = please help me.

The perm. Sorry.

Ma’af. = I’m sorry.

Shopping Phrases

Saya mau beli. = I want to take this.

Berapa?, Berapa Harganya? = How much?

Place. = Expensive.

Harganya terlalu mahal. = Very expensive.

Sudikah is currently a member of the council? Will you leave me alone?

Accommodation Sentences

Outside Masih ada Kamar kosong? = Do you have a room?

Berapa ongkos Kamar? = What is the room cost?

Berapa harga untuk Kamar ini? = What is this room cost?

Termasuk Makanan? = Including food ?

Island WC, tempat Mandi? = Toilet, bathroom?

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