Lil Durk – All My Life (feat. J. Cole) Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

Durkio told me he been on some positive shit, yeah, yeah
– Thuirt Durkio rium gu robh e air cuid de shit adhartach, yeah, yeah
Lately, I just wanna show up and body some shit, yeah, yeah
– O chionn ghoirid, tha mi dìreach airson sealltainn suas agus corp beagan shit, yeah, yeah
Always been a lil’ mathematician, lately, it’s cash I’m gettin’
– Bha mi a-riamh na lil’ matamataigs, o chionn ghoirid, is e airgead a th ‘ann a tha mi a’faighinn’
Got me losin’ count of these bags, I’ve been movin’ too fast
– Tha mi a’ cur luach air na h-oidhirpean sin, tha mi a’ dol a dh ‘ aithghearr
Hard times don’t last, ‘member when cops harassed
– Chan eil amannan cruaidh a ‘mairsinn,’ ball nuair a bhios cops a ‘ sàrachadh
Talkin’ out my ass, boy, you ain’t shit but a bitch with a badge
– A’ bruidhinn a-mach às mo asal, balach, chan eil thu a ‘ shit ach a bitch le suaicheantas

All my life (all my life)
– Fad mo bheatha (all my life)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Bha iad a’ feuchainn ri mo chumail sìos (They were trying to keep me down)
All this time (all this time)
– All tha time (all that time)
Never thought I would make it out (never thought I’d make it out)
– Cha do smaoinich mi a-riamh gum bithinn air a dhèanamh a-mach (i wouldn’t want to make it out)
They couldn’t break me, they couldn’t break me (no, no)
– Cha b ‘urrainn dhaibh mo bhriseadh, cha b’ urrainn dhaibh mo bhriseadh (chan eil, chan eil)
They couldn’t take me, they couldn’t take me (no)
– Cha b ‘ urrainn dhaibh mo ghlacadh (They couldn’t take me)
All my life (all my life)
– Fad mo bheatha (all my life)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Bha iad a’ feuchainn ri mo chumail sìos (They were trying to keep me down)

I decided I had to finish, but the media called me a menace
– Bha mi a ‘faireachdainn mar gum biodh mi a’ crìochnachadh, ach dh ‘ iarr na meadhanan orm bagairt
I done sat with the mayor and politicians, I’m tryna change the image
– Tha mi a ‘dèanamh suidhe leis a’ àrd-bhàillidh agus luchd-poilitigs, tha mi tryna atharrachadh an ìomhaigh
You can’t blame my past no more, I come from the trenches
– Chan urrainn dhut mo choire a chuir air m ‘àm a dh’ fhalbh tuilleadh, tha mi a ‘ tighinn bho na trainnsichean
Some said I’d never be a superstar
– Tha cuid ag ràdh nach bi mi a-riamh nam superhero
But I know I’m different (no, no, no)
– I am afraid (I am no, I am not)
I’m The Voice, but the system ain’t give me a choice
– Is Mise An Guth, ach chan eil an siostam a ‘ toirt roghainn dhomh
Know some people that’s still undeployed
– Tha fios aig cuid de dhaoine nach eil fhathast air an toirt a-steach

I know a felon who tryna get FOID
– Tha mi eòlach air felon a tha tryna a ‘ faighinn FOID
Child support, your only support
– Taic chloinne, an aon taic a th ‘ agad
For a visit, I’m goin’ through courts
– Tha mi a’ dol tro na cùirtean i’m going through courts
Went to jail, they was chainin’ me up
– Chaidh iad dhan phrìosan, bha iad a ‘ slaodadh orm
And you know that I’m famous as fuck
– Agus tha fios agad gu bheil mi ainmeil mar shit
See, how you gon’ joke about stimulus?
– Faic, ciamar a bhios tu a ‘ fealla-dhà mu bhrosnachadh?
But they really had came in the clutch
– Ach bha iad dha-rìribh a ‘ tighinn ann an clutch
I know some kids wanna hurt theyself
– Tha fios agam gu bheil cuid de chlann airson an goirteachadh fhèin
Stop tryna take drugs, I refer to myself
– Stad tryna a ‘gabhail dhrogaichean, tha mi a’ toirt iomradh orm fhìn
Tryna better myself, tryna better my health, but
– Tryna nas fheàrr mi fhìn, tryna nas fheàrr mo shlàinte, ach

All my life (all my life)
– Fad mo bheatha (all my life)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Bha iad a’ feuchainn ri mo chumail sìos (They were trying to keep me down)
All this time (all this time)
– All tha time (all that time)
Never thought I would make it out (never thought I’d make it out)
– Cha do smaoinich mi a-riamh gum bithinn air a dhèanamh a-mach (i wouldn’t want to make it out)
They couldn’t break me, they couldn’t break me (no, no)
– Cha b ‘urrainn dhaibh mo bhriseadh, cha b’ urrainn dhaibh mo bhriseadh (chan eil, chan eil)
They couldn’t take me, they couldn’t take me (no)
– Cha b ‘ urrainn dhaibh mo ghlacadh (They couldn’t take me)
All my life (all my life)
– Fad mo bheatha (all my life)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Bha iad a’ feuchainn ri mo chumail sìos (They were trying to keep me down)

Yeah, first generation, ghetto nigga
– Yeah, a ‘ chiad ghinealach, ghetto nigga
Cole World, hello niggas
– Cole World, hello niggas-naidheachdan a ‘ bhbc
Made it out the city with my head on straight
– A ‘dèanamh a-mach a’ bhaile le mo cheann air dìreach
Niggas keep shootin’ up the lead out
– Tha nigga a ‘ cumail a-mach
Young Jordan Peele, gotta get out
– Jordan Peele òg, gotta faigh a-mach
But the shit that I spit out
– Ach an shit a tha mi a ‘ spìonadh a-mach
Is a cheat code like I’m facin’ a RICO and how a nigga put a hit out
– Kabhi socha bhi na tha kabhi aisa kabhi socha bhi na tha
And another one, and, and another one
– Agus am fear eile, agus am fear eile

I got like a hundred of ’em
– Fhuair mi mar cheud ‘s a’ cheud
‘Bout to lap niggas so they think
– Aankhon mein nashe si chadh gayi
They ahead of me, but I’m really in front of them
– Iad romham, ach gu deimhin tha mi ‘ g
Now, some of them fumblin’ they bags
– Tha cuid dhiubh a’ toirt seachad
Fuckin’ up the little crumbs that they had
– ‘S beag an t-ioghnadh a rinn iad
A reminder to humble yourself, this shit could be gone in an instant
– A ‘cuimhneachadh air a bhith gad irioslachadh fhèin, dh’ fhaodadh an cac seo a bhith air falbh sa bhad
Me, I’m runnin’ long distance
– Tha mi a’ ruith fad an t-siubhail
All pistons firin’
– A h-uile pistons firin’

I be stuck between maybe retirin’
– Tha mi air mo shàrachadh eadar ‘s dòcha retirin’
And feelin’ like I’m just not hittin’ my prime
– ‘S truagh nach robh mi’ s mo leannan
These days seein’ rappers be dyin’
– Tha na làithean seo a’ dol seachad
Way before they even gettin’ they shine
– Slighe mus fhaigh iad eadhon ‘iad a’ deàrrsadh
I never even heard of lil’ buddy
– Cha chuala mi a-riamh mu do ghillean òga
‘Til somebody murdered lil’ buddy
– ‘Til cuideigin air a mharbhadh’ le lil buddy
Now, I’m on the phone, searchin’ lil’ buddy name
– I’m on the phone tha mi a’ lorg ainm buddy
Got ’em playin’ his tunes, all day in my room
– ‘S tric mi’ n diugh a ‘ dannsa all day in my room

Thinkin’, “Damn, this shit is wicked
– Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh, “Damn, Tha an shit seo dona.”
To get they name buzzin’ some niggas
– Mar a dh’ atharraicheas tu ainm fearainn nigga
Just gotta go lay in a tomb”
– “Feumaidh sinn a dhol a laighe ann an uaigh”
And media thirsty for clicks
– Agus tha tart air na meadhanan airson cliogan
I got a new rule
– Fhuair mi riaghailt ùr
If you ain’t never posted a rapper when he was alive
– Mura h-eil thu a-riamh air rapper a phostadh nuair a bha e beò
You can’t post about him after he get hit
– Chan urrainn dhut stad a chuir air nuair a thig e gu gnè
It’s simple, it’s the principle
– Tha e sìmplidh, is e am prionnsabal

On any tempo, I’m invincible
– Air àm sam bith, tha mi invincible
Don’t even rap, I just vent to you
– Na bi eadhon rap, bidh mi dìreach a ‘ frasadh thugad
I rather that than an interview
– Is fheàrr leam sin na agallamh
Most days
– A ‘ mhòr-chuid de làithean
Fuck ’em all like I’m goin’ through a ho’ phase
– Fuck em a h-uile mar a tha mi a ‘ dol tro ìre ho
Young nigga shoot out the whip like road rage
– Nigga òg a ‘ losgadh a-mach an cuip mar rage rathaid
I pray all of my dawgs stay so paid
– Tha mi a ‘ guidhe a h-uile mo dawgs fuireach mar sin a phàigheadh
And the only thing that kill ’em is old age
– ‘S e an aon rud a tha a ‘marbhadh’ em a th ‘ ann an seann aois

All my life (all my life)
– Fad mo bheatha (all my life)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Bha iad a’ feuchainn ri mo chumail sìos (They were trying to keep me down)
All this time (all this time)
– All tha time (all that time)
Never thought I would make it out (never thought I’d make it out)
– Cha do smaoinich mi a-riamh gum bithinn air a dhèanamh a-mach (i wouldn’t want to make it out)
They couldn’t break me, they couldn’t break me (no, no)
– Cha b ‘urrainn dhaibh mo bhriseadh, cha b’ urrainn dhaibh mo bhriseadh (chan eil, chan eil)
They couldn’t take me, they couldn’t take me (no)
– Cha b ‘ urrainn dhaibh mo ghlacadh (They couldn’t take me)
All my life (all my life)
– Fad mo bheatha (all my life)
They been tryin’ to keep me down (they been tryin’ to keep me down)
– Bha iad a’ feuchainn ri mo chumail sìos (They were trying to keep me down)

Lil Durk


