Meghan Trainor – Mother Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

The fact that Meghan Trainor is literally mother right now
– Tha Meghan Trainor gu litireil na mhàthair an-dràsta

I am your mother (I am your mother)
– Is mise do mhàthair (i am your mother)
You listen to me (you listen to me)
– Tha thu gam chluinntinn (You are listen to me)
Stop all that mansplainin’, no one’s listening
– Stad a chur air a h-uile duine a’ bruidhinn, chan eil duine ag èisteachd
Tell me, who gave you the permission to speak? (Speak)
– Inns dhomh, cò a thug cead dhut bruidhinn? (Bruidhinn)
I am your mother (I am your mother)
– Is mise do mhàthair (i am your mother)
You listen to me (shh)
– Èist rium (ha mee)

M-m-m-mister big boy, pullin’ up in your big toy
– Tiotal a ‘chlàir-moch sa mhadainn’ s mi dùsgadh
Sayin’ all that blah-blah-blah, makin’ all that big noise
– A h-uile dad a dh’ fheumas tu a bhith agad mu na h-innealan sin _ fir eireachdail
‘Cause you’re so frustrated, emasculated
– Mar a nì thu gàire, gàire
‘Cause you got your shit called out by this little lady (my baby)
– ‘Adhbhar gun d’fhuair thu do shit a-mach leis a’ bhoireannach bheag seo (mo leanabh)

Yet your opinion’s so strong even when you’re wrong (when you’re wrong)
– Ach tha do bheachd cho làidir eadhon nuair a tha thu ceàrr (nuair a tha thu ceàrr)
Bet that feels like power to you (that feels like power to you)
– Tha e a ‘faireachdainn mar chumhachd dhut (tha sin a’ faireachdainn mar chumhachd dhut)
Must’ve forgot who you’re talkin’ to
– Cuimhnich cò ris a tha thu a’ bruidhinn

I am your mother (I am your mother)
– Is mise do mhàthair (i am your mother)
You listen to me (you listen to me)
– Tha thu gam chluinntinn (You are listen to me)
Stop all that mansplainin’, no one’s listening (shh)
– Stad a h-uile duine a tha ag èisteachd, chan eil duine ag èisteachd (shh)
Tell me, who gave you the permission to speak? (Speak)
– Inns dhomh, cò a thug cead dhut bruidhinn? (Bruidhinn)
I am your mother (I am your mother)
– Is mise do mhàthair (i am your mother)
You listen to me (you listen to me)
– Tha thu gam chluinntinn (You are listen to me)

You just a bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum
– Tha thu a-mhàin bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum
You just a (you just a -), hey
– Tha thu dìreach a (thu dìreach a -), hey

Y’all need a masterclass from my man
– Feumaidh a h-uile duine masterclass bhon duine agam
Learn how to satisfy like he can
– Ionnsaich mar a shàsaicheas e mar as urrainn dha
Ain’t tryna control me and own me like an old man on C-SPAN
– Chaha tha tujhe mein tujhe chahte hain
Bet you wish you could wife this
– Tha mi a ‘guidhe gum b’ urrainn dhut seo a bhean
Stay mad, that’s priceless
– Bithibh feargach, tha sin gun fheum
You with your God complex
– Thu le do dhia iom-fhillte
But you can’t even make life, bitch (bitch)
– Ach chan urrainn dhut eadhon beatha a dhèanamh, bitch (bitch)

Yet your opinion’s so strong even when you’re wrong (when you’re wrong)
– Ach tha do bheachd cho làidir eadhon nuair a tha thu ceàrr (nuair a tha thu ceàrr)
Bet that feels like power to you (that feels like power to you)
– Tha e a ‘faireachdainn mar chumhachd dhut (tha sin a’ faireachdainn mar chumhachd dhut)
Must’ve forgot who you’re talkin’ to
– Cuimhnich cò ris a tha thu a’ bruidhinn

I am your mother (I am your mother)
– Is mise do mhàthair (i am your mother)
You listen to me (you listen to me)
– Tha thu gam chluinntinn (You are listen to me)
Stop all that mansplainin’ (ayy), no one’s listening (shh)
– A ‘cur stad air a h-uile càil sin mansplainin’ (ayy), chan eil duine ag èisteachd (shh)
Tell me, who gave you the permission to speak? (Speak)
– Inns dhomh, cò a thug cead dhut bruidhinn? (Bruidhinn)
I am your mother (I am your mother)
– Is mise do mhàthair (i am your mother)
You listen to me
– Èist rium

You just a -, hey
– Mere bhai-hai
You just a bum-bum-bum, hey
– U just a bum bum bum bhai
Ladies shake your -, hey
– Ladies a ‘ crathadh do -, hey
Shake that bum, bum-bum-bum
– Thach that bum-bum

(You’re just a -)
– (Chan eil thu ach…)

Meghan Trainor


