Shenseea, Masicka & Di Genius – Hit & Run Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

You think you could a get in a my feelings? (No)
– A bheil thu a ‘ smaoineachadh gum faodadh tu faighinn a-steach do na faireachdainnean agam? (Chan eil)
You couldn’t get me to sekkle down (sekkle down)
– Cha b ‘ urrainn dhomh faighinn gu sekkle sìos (sekkle sìos)
Me give you a hit-and-run (run)
– Thug n u thug n me (feat.
Me give you a hit-and-run (oh)
– Thug n u thug n me (feat.

Me did only want likkle dealings (yeah, yeah)
– Cha robh mi ag iarraidh ach làimhseachadh likkle (yeah, yeah)
Love you did a look you must be dumb (must be dumb)
– Feumaidh tu a bhith balbh (you must be fool)
Me give you a hit-and-run (yes, sir)
– Thug n u thug n me (yeah)
Me give you a hit-and-run (the genius)
– Thug n u thug n me (genius)

Hey, my youth (my youth) you take it too serious (chu!)
– Hey, m ‘òige (m’ òige) tha thu ga ghabhail ro dhroch (chu!)
Give you likkle piece just a likkle feel up
– Thoir dhut pìos likkle dìreach faireachdainn likkle suas
Now you take set a pon me you itch up
– Ao so mi thoi trang thu
Give me space, give me room, give me likkle breeze nuh Jesus (Jesus)
– Give me space, give me room, give me likkle breeze nuh Jesus (Jesus)

A what make you feel so?
– Dè a bheir ort a bhith a ‘ faireachdainn mar sin?
True me keep it tight and me ever clean so
– Fìor mi a ‘ cumail e teann agus mi riamh glan mar sin
Want me did want you
– Tha mi ag iarraidh ort i want you
Me never need you
– Cha bhith feum agam ort a-riamh
This a nuh fi people know
– Tha fios aig daoine
Keep it on the D-low
– Cuir A-Steach air-loidhne

Me too young to lockdown with nobody
– Me too young to lockdown with nobody
I pray one day somebody keep your company
– Guidheam aon latha cuideigin a ‘ cumail do chompanaidh
And a girl like me just want to have fun and more money
– Agus tha nighean mar mise dìreach airson spòrs a bhith agam agus barrachd airgid
But you a pree relationship and that’s a no for me, aah
– Ach tha thu dàimh pree agus chan eil sin dhomhsa, aah

You think you could a get in a my feelings? (Feelings)
– A bheil thu a ‘ smaoineachadh gum faodadh tu faighinn a-steach do na faireachdainnean agam? (Faireachdainnean)
You couldn’t get me to sekkle down (sekkle down)
– Cha b ‘ urrainn dhomh faighinn gu sekkle sìos (sekkle sìos)
Me give you a hit-and-run (oh)
– Thug n u thug n me (feat.
Me give you a hit-and-run
– Thug n u thug n me feat

Me did only one likkle dealings
– Cha do rinn mi ach aon chùmhnant likkle
Love you did a look you must be dumb
– Gràdh gun robh thu a ‘ coimhead feumaidh tu a bhith gòrach
Me give you a hit-and-run
– Thug n u thug n me feat
Me give you a hit-and-run
– Thug n u thug n me feat

Long story short
– Sgeulachd fada goirid
Your pussy good and done
– Do pussy math agus a dhèanamh
Heaven me see when you pull your – down
– Nèamh mi a ‘ faicinn nuair a tharraingeas tu do-sìos
Call, call your phone
– Cuir fòn, cuir fòn chun fòn agad
Me want some
– Tha mi ag iarraidh cuid
Dial tone again your heart numb
– Dial tòna a-rithist do chridhe numb
A wicked, wicked bout hit-and-run
– ‘S ann a tha mo ghaol air àird a’ chuain

Me a real bad bitch me no sekkle down
– Me a real bad bitch me no sekkle down
Get the bricks you level up
– Faigh na breigichean a tha thu ag ìre suas
Can’t style me though, me up
– Chan urrainn dhomh stoidhle me ged, mi suas
But me miss when we a fuck aye
– Ach tha mi ag ionndrainn nuair a tha sinn a ‘ fuck aye

Me too young to lockdown with nobody
– Me too young to lockdown with nobody
I pray one day somebody keep your company
– Guidheam aon latha cuideigin a ‘ cumail do chompanaidh
And a girl like me just want have fun and more money
– Agus tha nighean mar mise dìreach ag iarraidh spòrs agus barrachd airgid
But you a pree relationship and that’s a no for me, aah
– Ach tha thu dàimh pree agus chan eil sin dhomhsa, aah

You think you could a get in a my feelings? (Feelings)
– A bheil thu a ‘ smaoineachadh gum faodadh tu faighinn a-steach do na faireachdainnean agam? (Faireachdainnean)
Me soon get you fi sekkle down (down)
– Tha mi a ‘dol a dh’ aithghearr gu faigh thu fi sekkle sìos (sìos)
Me give you a hit-and-run
– Thug n u thug n me feat
Me give you a hit-and-run
– Thug n u thug n me feat

Me did only want likkle dealings (likkle dealings)
– Cha robh mi ag iarraidh ach gnothaichean likkle (likkle dealings)
Love you did a look you must be dumb (likkle dealings)
– Feumaidh tu a bhith gòrach you must be fool (plural / polite)
Me give you a hit-and-run (hit-and-run)
– Thug n u thug n me (feat.
Me give you a hit-and-run (hit-and-run)
– Thug n u thug n me (feat.
Hit-and-run, hit-and-run, eh
– Hit-and-run, hit-and-run, eh
– Hit-and-run

Me give you a hit-and-run
– Thug n u thug n me feat
Hit-and-run, hit-and-run, eh
– Hit-and-run, hit-and-run, eh
Me give you a hit-and-run
– Thug n u thug n me feat
Me give you a hit-and-run
– Thug n u thug n me feat
Me give you a hit-and-run
– Thug n u thug n me feat



