
About Chinese

Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. It is a language spoken by about 20% of the world’s population and has 10 popular dialects, each of which is different from each other. The origins of the Chinese Tibetan language family are from the Sinitic group. According to the inscriptions found in the first Chinese history is known to date 3000 years ago.As is known, the languages of many nations on the Asian continent are affected by Chinese. Most of the alphabets and sound structures of languages such as Korean, Japanese are derived from Chinese.

One of the most important features that distinguishes Chinese from other languages is that it is composed of symbols rather than letters. Each symbol in Chinese means something, and therefore a foreigner who wants to learn Chinese must learn the meaning of symbols and symbols. In 1958, the Chinese government announced an order called the Pinyin table to make it easier for foreigners to make sounds and learn Chinese in the reading of symbols, thus creating a standard for how Chinese sounds should be read in Latin letters.

It is known that the Chinese language spoken in a very wide geographical area is divided into 10 popular dialects, each spoken by millions of Chinese. The most widely used dialect of Mandarin speaks 70.9 percent of the country, representing 847,8 million people, making Mandarin the world’s most spoken language.

The second most widely spoken Chinese dialect, Wu, is spoken by 6.5 percent to 77.2 percent, while the third is the mother tongue of 6 to 71.8 percent. The number of other spoken dialects and speaking Chinese is as follows::

Yue (60 million))

Jin (45 million))

Xiang (36 million))

Hakka (30.1 million))

Gan (20.6 million)

Huizhou(4.6 million))

Pinghua(2million) is indicated.

The most important point about the sounds in the Pinyin table is the tonalities. A Chinese word that is read in the same way as the Latin alphabet means different meanings according to the tone.. There is a total of 4 tones in the reading of the symbols in Chinese according to the Pinyin table. These are divided into descending tones, descending and ascending tones, rising tones and flat tones. The error in the tone of a sound can cause the word to load another meaning.For example, the word “ma” in Chinese should be pronounced in plain tone. It means “horse” if it is said in the towering tone.

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